import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load "data/airbnb_price.csv" as a DataFrame called prices.
prices = pd.read_csv('data/prices.csv')
# Load "data/airbnb_room_type.xlsx" as a DataFrame called xls, and the first
# sheet from xls as a DataFrame called room_types.
room_types = pd.read_excel('data/room_types.xlsx')
# Load "data/airbnb_last_review.tsv" as a DataFrame called reviews.
reviews = pd.read_csv('data/reviews.tsv', delimiter='\t')
listing_id | price | nbhood_full | |
0 | 2595 | 225 dollars | Manhattan, Midtown |
1 | 3831 | 89 dollars | Brooklyn, Clinton Hill |
2 | 5099 | 200 dollars | Manhattan, Murray Hill |
3 | 5178 | 79 dollars | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen |
4 | 5238 | 150 dollars | Manhattan, Chinatown |
5 | 5295 | 135 dollars | Manhattan, Upper West Side |
6 | 5441 | 85 dollars | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen |
7 | 5803 | 89 dollars | Brooklyn, South Slope |
8 | 6021 | 85 dollars | Manhattan, Upper West Side |
9 | 6848 | 140 dollars | Brooklyn, Williamsburg |
10 | 7097 | 215 dollars | Brooklyn, Fort Greene |
11 | 7322 | 140 dollars | Manhattan, Chelsea |
12 | 7726 | 99 dollars | Brooklyn, Crown Heights |
13 | 8024 | 130 dollars | Brooklyn, Park Slope |
14 | 8025 | 80 dollars | Brooklyn, Park Slope |
15 | 8110 | 110 dollars | Brooklyn, Park Slope |
16 | 8490 | 120 dollars | Brooklyn, Bedford-Stuyvesant |
17 | 8505 | 60 dollars | Brooklyn, Windsor Terrace |
18 | 9518 | 44 dollars | Manhattan, Inwood |
19 | 9657 | 180 dollars | Manhattan, East Village |
20 | 9668 | 50 dollars | Manhattan, Harlem |
21 | 9704 | 52 dollars | Manhattan, Harlem |
22 | 9782 | 55 dollars | Brooklyn, Greenpoint |
23 | 9783 | 50 dollars | Manhattan, Harlem |
24 | 10452 | 70 dollars | Brooklyn, Bedford-Stuyvesant |
25 | 10962 | 89 dollars | Brooklyn, South Slope |
26 | 11708 | 85 dollars | Brooklyn, Bushwick |
27 | 12048 | 40 dollars | Manhattan, Lower East Side |
28 | 12192 | 68 dollars | Manhattan, East Village |
29 | 12299 | 120 dollars | Brooklyn, South Slope |
30 | 12318 | 135 dollars | Manhattan, Upper West Side |
31 | 12343 | 150 dollars | Manhattan, Harlem |
32 | 12627 | 150 dollars | Brooklyn, Prospect-Lefferts Gardens |
33 | 12937 | 130 dollars | Queens, Long Island City |
34 | 12940 | 110 dollars | Brooklyn, Bedford-Stuyvesant |
35 | 13394 | 80 dollars | Brooklyn, Fort Greene |
36 | 13808 | 80 dollars | Brooklyn, Bedford-Stuyvesant |
37 | 14287 | 151 dollars | Manhattan, Upper West Side |
38 | 14290 | 228 dollars | Brooklyn, Williamsburg |
39 | 14314 | 144 dollars | Brooklyn, Greenpoint |
40 | 14322 | 200 dollars | Manhattan, Kips Bay |
41 | 14377 | 150 dollars | Brooklyn, Williamsburg |
42 | 14991 | 110 dollars | Manhattan, Lower East Side |
43 | 15220 | 69 dollars | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen |
44 | 15338 | 49 dollars | Brooklyn, Greenpoint |
45 | 15341 | 180 dollars | Manhattan, SoHo |
46 | 15385 | 80 dollars | Brooklyn, Williamsburg |
47 | 15711 | 250 dollars | Manhattan, Upper East Side |
48 | 16326 | 200 dollars | Brooklyn, Prospect Heights |
49 | 16421 | 52 dollars | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen |
(25209, 3) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 25209 entries, 0 to 25208 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 listing_id 25209 non-null int64 1 price 25209 non-null object 2 nbhood_full 25209 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(2) memory usage: 591.0+ KB None
listing_id | price | nbhood_full |
listing_id | description | room_type | |
0 | 2595 | Skylit Midtown Castle | Entire home/apt |
1 | 3831 | Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone | Entire home/apt |
2 | 5099 | Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East | Entire home/apt |
3 | 5178 | Large Furnished Room Near B'way | private room |
4 | 5238 | Cute & Cozy Lower East Side 1 bdrm | Entire home/apt |
(25209, 3) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 25209 entries, 0 to 25208 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 listing_id 25209 non-null int64 1 description 25199 non-null object 2 room_type 25209 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(2) memory usage: 591.0+ KB None
listing_id | description | room_type |
listing_id | host_name | last_review | |
0 | 2595 | Jennifer | May 21 2019 |
1 | 3831 | LisaRoxanne | July 05 2019 |
2 | 5099 | Chris | June 22 2019 |
3 | 5178 | Shunichi | June 24 2019 |
4 | 5238 | Ben | June 09 2019 |
5 | 5295 | Lena | June 22 2019 |
6 | 5441 | Kate | June 23 2019 |
7 | 5803 | Laurie | June 24 2019 |
8 | 6021 | Claudio | July 05 2019 |
9 | 6848 | Allen & Irina | June 29 2019 |
10 | 7097 | Jane | June 28 2019 |
11 | 7322 | Doti | July 01 2019 |
12 | 7726 | Adam And Charity | June 22 2019 |
13 | 8024 | Lisel | July 01 2019 |
14 | 8025 | Lisel | January 01 2019 |
15 | 8110 | Lisel | July 02 2019 |
16 | 8490 | Nathalie | June 19 2019 |
17 | 8505 | Gregory | June 23 2019 |
18 | 9518 | Shon | June 15 2019 |
19 | 9657 | Dana | April 19 2019 |
20 | 9668 | Ssameer Or Trip | June 01 2019 |
21 | 9704 | Teri | June 14 2019 |
22 | 9782 | Andrea | June 15 2019 |
23 | 9783 | Ssameer Or Trip | July 01 2019 |
24 | 10452 | Angela | May 12 2019 |
25 | 10962 | Laurie | June 21 2019 |
26 | 11708 | Tyrome | June 22 2019 |
27 | 12048 | Ben | July 05 2019 |
28 | 12192 | Edward | June 21 2019 |
29 | 12299 | Abdul | May 27 2019 |
30 | 12318 | Cyn | June 16 2019 |
31 | 12343 | Earl | June 13 2019 |
32 | 12627 | Rana | June 05 2019 |
33 | 12937 | Orestes | July 01 2019 |
34 | 12940 | Adreinne | May 25 2019 |
35 | 13394 | Alexander | June 17 2019 |
36 | 13808 | JT And Tiziana | June 16 2019 |
37 | 14287 | Joya | July 07 2019 |
38 | 14290 | James | May 17 2019 |
39 | 14314 | Jeanne | June 29 2019 |
40 | 14322 | Francesca | March 25 2019 |
41 | 14377 | Joanna | June 22 2019 |
42 | 14991 | Bianca | May 18 2019 |
43 | 15220 | Luiz | June 09 2019 |
44 | 15338 | Andrea | June 04 2019 |
45 | 15341 | Ted | June 29 2019 |
46 | 15385 | Cristina | June 30 2019 |
47 | 15711 | D | March 30 2019 |
48 | 16326 | Dimitri | January 26 2019 |
49 | 16421 | Mark | May 16 2019 |
(25209, 3) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 25209 entries, 0 to 25208 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 listing_id 25209 non-null int64 1 host_name 25201 non-null object 2 last_review 25209 non-null object dtypes: int64(1), object(2) memory usage: 591.0+ KB None
listing_id | host_name | last_review |
The price column in the prices DataFrame currently records each value as a string with the currency (dollars) following, i.e.
We'll use regex to remove the 'dollar' and then convert the datatype of the column to a int.
225 dollars
89 dollars
200 dollars
# Cleaning the Price Column:
# using regex to extract all characters which aren't an int '(\d+)'
# converting the datatype of the column from object to float
prices['price'] = prices['price'].str.extract('(\d+)',
listing_id | price | nbhood_full | |
0 | 2595 | 225.0 | Manhattan, Midtown |
1 | 3831 | 89.0 | Brooklyn, Clinton Hill |
2 | 5099 | 200.0 | Manhattan, Murray Hill |
3 | 5178 | 79.0 | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen |
4 | 5238 | 150.0 | Manhattan, Chinatown |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 25209 entries, 0 to 25208 Data columns (total 3 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 listing_id 25209 non-null int64 1 price 25209 non-null float64 2 nbhood_full 25209 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 591.0+ KB
Three quarters of listings cost $175 per night or less. However, there are some outliers including a maximum price of $7,500 per night. Some listings are even showing as free. We'll remove these from the DataFrame and calculate the average price, to the nearest 2 decimal places, storing this as avg_price. Then, calculate the average_price_month.
# Exclude values equal to 0
prices = prices[prices['price'] != 0]
plt.hist(prices['price'], 100);
We will not to remove outliers in the upper region. We are examining prices per borough and within specific price categories. Removing prices in the upper region could potentially distort the outcomes, especially when considering expensive rental prices in certain boroughs. By retaining the outliers, we aim to maintain the integrity and accuracy of our analysis for a more comprehensive understanding of the rental market.
# calculating avg_price
avg_price = prices['price'].mean()
print('$', round(avg_price, 2))
$ 141.82
We know how much a listing costs, on average, per night, but it would be useful to have a benchmark for comparison. According to Zumper, a 1 bedroom apartment in New York City costs, on average, $3,100 per month.
So we'll convert the per-night prices of our listings into monthly costs, so we can compare to the private market.
# new column: monthly_price
prices['monthly_price'] = prices['price']*30
# calculate avergae monthly price
avg_monthly_price = prices['monthly_price'].mean()
print('$', round(avg_monthly_price, 2))
$ 4254.52
The room_type column has several variations for private room listings. We'll dive deeper into this column to clean the breakdown of listings by room type.
# Using regex to and replacing several variations of room type with a standard description.
room_types['room_type'] = room_types['room_type'].str.lower()
entire home/apt 13266 private room 11356 shared room 587 Name: room_type, dtype: int64
The last_review column contains the date of the last review in the format of "Month Day Year" e.g., May 21 2019. We'll change this format to a pandas datetime.
# incorrect date format in reviews['last_review']
reviews['last_review'] = pd.to_datetime(reviews['last_review'])
listing_id | host_name | last_review | |
0 | 2595 | Jennifer | 2019-05-21 |
1 | 3831 | LisaRoxanne | 2019-07-05 |
2 | 5099 | Chris | 2019-06-22 |
3 | 5178 | Shunichi | 2019-06-24 |
4 | 5238 | Ben | 2019-06-09 |
Clean this column to standardize name format.
# format host name
# Add a space between a lowercase letter and an uppercase letter
reviews['host_name'] = reviews['host_name'].str.replace(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2')
# Capitalize the first and second words
reviews['host_name'] = reviews['host_name'].str.title()
# Replace '&', 'AND', 'and', 'Or', 'OR', 'And', 'or' with '&'
reviews['host_name'] = reviews['host_name'].str.replace(r'(&| AND | and | Or | OR | And | or )', ' & ')
/var/folders/1m/hvnyjbcx2rxfb9d__rb_m7h00000gp/T/ipykernel_6152/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. reviews['host_name'] = reviews['host_name'].str.replace(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2') /var/folders/1m/hvnyjbcx2rxfb9d__rb_m7h00000gp/T/ipykernel_6152/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. reviews['host_name'] = reviews['host_name'].str.replace(r'(&| AND | and | Or | OR | And | or )', ' & ')
Merge the three DataFrames to make any future analysis easier to conduct.
Remove any observations with missing values and check for duplicates.
Convert listing ID to string
df = pd.merge(reviews, prices, on='listing_id')
df = pd.merge(df, room_types, on='listing_id')
listing_id | host_name | last_review | price | nbhood_full | monthly_price | description | room_type | |
0 | 2595 | Jennifer | 2019-05-21 | 225.0 | Manhattan, Midtown | 6750.0 | Skylit Midtown Castle | entire home/apt |
1 | 3831 | Lisa Roxanne | 2019-07-05 | 89.0 | Brooklyn, Clinton Hill | 2670.0 | Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone | entire home/apt |
2 | 5099 | Chris | 2019-06-22 | 200.0 | Manhattan, Murray Hill | 6000.0 | Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East | entire home/apt |
3 | 5178 | Shunichi | 2019-06-24 | 79.0 | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen | 2370.0 | Large Furnished Room Near B'way | private room |
4 | 5238 | Ben | 2019-06-09 | 150.0 | Manhattan, Chinatown | 4500.0 | Cute & Cozy Lower East Side 1 bdrm | entire home/apt |
df['listing_id'] = df['listing_id'].astype('string')
df['description'] = df['description'].fillna('No description')
df['host_name'] = df['host_name'].fillna('Unknown.')
listing_id 0 host_name 0 last_review 0 price 0 nbhood_full 0 monthly_price 0 description 0 room_type 0 dtype: int64
df['borough'] = df['nbhood_full'].str.split(',').str.get(0)
listing_id | host_name | last_review | price | nbhood_full | monthly_price | description | room_type | borough | |
0 | 2595 | Jennifer | 2019-05-21 | 225.0 | Manhattan, Midtown | 6750.0 | Skylit Midtown Castle | entire home/apt | Manhattan |
1 | 3831 | Lisa Roxanne | 2019-07-05 | 89.0 | Brooklyn, Clinton Hill | 2670.0 | Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone | entire home/apt | Brooklyn |
2 | 5099 | Chris | 2019-06-22 | 200.0 | Manhattan, Murray Hill | 6000.0 | Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East | entire home/apt | Manhattan |
3 | 5178 | Shunichi | 2019-06-24 | 79.0 | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen | 2370.0 | Large Furnished Room Near B'way | private room | Manhattan |
4 | 5238 | Ben | 2019-06-09 | 150.0 | Manhattan, Chinatown | 4500.0 | Cute & Cozy Lower East Side 1 bdrm | entire home/apt | Manhattan |
categorize listings based on whether they fall into specific price ranges, and view this by borough.
percentiles and labels to create a new column, price_range, in the DataFrame.
price_ranges = {
(0, 69): '$0-69',
(70, 175): '$70-175',
(176, 350): '$176-350',
(351, float('inf')): '>$350'
def categorize_price(price):
for price_range, label in price_ranges.items():
if price >= price_range[0] and price <= price_range[1]:
return label
df['price_range'] = df['price'].map(categorize_price)
df['labels'] = df['price_range'].replace(price_ranges.values(), ['Budget', 'Average', 'Expensive', 'Extravagant'])
listing_id | host_name | last_review | price | nbhood_full | monthly_price | description | room_type | borough | price_range | labels | |
0 | 2595 | Jennifer | 2019-05-21 | 225.0 | Manhattan, Midtown | 6750.0 | Skylit Midtown Castle | entire home/apt | Manhattan | $176-350 | Expensive |
1 | 3831 | Lisa Roxanne | 2019-07-05 | 89.0 | Brooklyn, Clinton Hill | 2670.0 | Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone | entire home/apt | Brooklyn | $70-175 | Average |
2 | 5099 | Chris | 2019-06-22 | 200.0 | Manhattan, Murray Hill | 6000.0 | Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East | entire home/apt | Manhattan | $176-350 | Expensive |
3 | 5178 | Shunichi | 2019-06-24 | 79.0 | Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen | 2370.0 | Large Furnished Room Near B'way | private room | Manhattan | $70-175 | Average |
4 | 5238 | Ben | 2019-06-09 | 150.0 | Manhattan, Chinatown | 4500.0 | Cute & Cozy Lower East Side 1 bdrm | entire home/apt | Manhattan | $70-175 | Average |
label | price |
budget | \$0-69 |
average | \$70-175 |
expensive | \$176-350 |
extravagant | >\$350 |
# Group the data by 'borough' and 'price_range', and count the frequencies
grouped_df = df.groupby(['borough', 'price_range', 'labels']).size().reset_index(name='frequency')
borough | price_range | labels | frequency | |
0 | Bronx | $0-69 | Budget | 381 |
1 | Bronx | $176-350 | Expensive | 25 |
2 | Bronx | $70-175 | Average | 286 |
3 | Bronx | >$350 | Extravagant | 5 |
4 | Brooklyn | $0-69 | Budget | 3201 |
5 | Brooklyn | $176-350 | Expensive | 1466 |
6 | Brooklyn | $70-175 | Average | 5534 |
7 | Brooklyn | >$350 | Extravagant | 259 |
8 | Manhattan | $0-69 | Budget | 1150 |
9 | Manhattan | $176-350 | Expensive | 3073 |
10 | Manhattan | $70-175 | Average | 5289 |
11 | Manhattan | >$350 | Extravagant | 810 |
12 | Queens | $0-69 | Budget | 1632 |
13 | Queens | $176-350 | Expensive | 291 |
14 | Queens | $70-175 | Average | 1505 |
15 | Queens | >$350 | Extravagant | 28 |
16 | Staten Island | $0-69 | Budget | 124 |
17 | Staten Island | $176-350 | Expensive | 20 |
18 | Staten Island | $70-175 | Average | 123 |
# saving as csv
df.to_csv('airbnb_rental_data.csv', index=False)